Just thought I'd share the creative project that consumed me for the first few months of this year...mini Murtha's nursery! It was a true labor of love! I enjoyed every second of designing our baby's nursery and watching it come to life. This week, I entered an online baby nursery contest, so if you feel like commenting and rating it, please head over to this link: http://www.unique-baby-gear-ideas.com/carnival-at-the-babys-animal-sanctuary-nursery.html
The nursery has a circus-y feel but since we aren't big on real circuses and the way they treat animals, we call our nursery theme "Carnival at the Animal Sanctuary" :).
I cannot believe that I haven't posted a THING since October!! Well, let's just say life has been very busy, and I have been "working" on my biggest project yet :). Yep, a mini Murtha is on the way! We are due on June 24. Just thought I'd share the news (with anyone that has been patient enough to still be following my blog :)!!!). Here are a few photos of the blossoming baby bump over the past 36 weeks. Nursery photos soon!