Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WIPs VegHeads and Mini JOLs

My desk is looking like a vegetable garden at the moment. I just started a series of "VegHeads" and a few miniature jack o' lanterns. While I was at the beach, I sat at the edge of the water pondering new designs and decided to combine my Tweedle boy faces with my vegetarian tendencies. Seems like a good combo for summer, I hope?? So, here is what is transpiring so far....a turnip, a carrot and a corn cob. I am about to sit down and finish their faces and feet and figure out how to attach the leaves to the stalks. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Sheryl Parsons said...

Can't wait to see what these look like finished Carrie. You have such a fun imagination. :-)
