Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Makeover for the Auto Body Shop Cat Colony

I wanted to update you on my progress with winterizing the auto body shop's cat colony. Many thanks to Susan who purchased two of my Halloween circus animals which helped fund this project!! The kitties and I are so very grateful. I ordered feeding stations and feral villas a few weeks ago. I assembled them last weekend and was able to get the colony "makeover" underway this past Saturday. Most of the kitties were not sure what to think, but as you will see, my buddy, Jimmy, was a wonderful assistant through the whole process. When I arrived on Sunday to feed the crew, I could tell that they had been exploring their new shelter and had been nesting under the tree in their new straw bedding.

Assembling the insulated villas and feeding stations on my back patio.

Hugging Jimmy as we unload everything.

Raking out the trash from under the tree to prepare for the straw bedding.

Adding straw to an existing shelter. They guys at the body shop put this out for them. It's one of those luggage carriers you attach to the top of your car with a cat door cut out...very clever and purrfect for a large, multi-cat shelter!

Jimmy testing out the straw. I think he approves!

Spreading straw under the tree.

Feral villas tucked under the tree on top of the straw....should be lots of cozy, dry places to snuggle this winter!

Diesel enjoying the view from one of the villa's rooftops.

Feeding stations in use...the larger raised one will be great when it snows.

Tip for all you feral cat caretakers...straw is the cheapest, BEST way to keep kitties warm and dry! It reflects their body heat and will not mold, mildew or freeze when wet like blankets and fabric beds. One bale of straw cost me $8 and it goes a long way.


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Do you have a link for where you ordered those homes? I would appreciate getting it so I can check them out for my ferals! Thanks!

Meowm Rhonda

snippetgirl said...

Hey Rhonda!
So sorry that I didn't note the link in the first place...totally slipped my mind! It is
Purrs to you~~

Ronna said...

Fabulous! Have you ever seen the feral cat colony at Parliament Hill in Ottawa? They are amazing.
I went and visited them a few years back and they have straw in their little beds too and they seem to manage the harsh Ottawa winters quite well. They even have a Facebook group:!/pages/The-Cats-of-Parliament-Hill/10150154879045652