Sunday, April 18, 2010

Smiling Cats galore...

Last week was very strange for me. I was just so distracted and utterly unfocused. I have no idea what was going on, but hope that this week will be a little more productive. I have a zillion ideas brewing in my head which is wonderful, but sometimes when that happens I get paralyzed and don't know where to begin so I sort of spin around in place.

I want to start making jewelry with a few images of my dolls. I began researching supplies and ordered some fun materials on Etsy. The choices are neverending...i really felt like I'd fallen down the rabbit hole! I am also itching to write and illustrate a children's book. I finally have the main concept clear and specific illustration ideas are flowing, but I need to block out time to actually sit down and launch into it.

On Friday, I decided to get off of the computer and get out of my art room to remove any distractions. I went outside in my backyard to simply SKETCH for a few hours. It's amazing how the sun, the breeze, some fresh air and peace and quiet can clear the mind!! Two furry feral assistants were very helpful too :).

Here is a little peek at my doodles....lots and lots of silly kittysnips!

And just thought I'd share a photo of Magee and Meadow. Magee is one of our outdoor "ferals" who now comes inside for naps. He is such a sweet boy. Meadow has been with us for a year now. She was born with only 3 paws, so we took her out of the feral colony she was living in last summer. We wanted her to be safe inside forever. She is THE happiest, funniest girl! She chirps with glee constantly and LOVES life. Meadow lived behind a cafe and they feed the cats leftovers so she goes crazy for human food. We try not to give her any, but every once in awhile she will steal something right off your plate. One night she even took 2 of my brussel sprouts and ate them right up! Crazy girl!


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Wot a lovely pic of Magee and Meadow. We love happy endings.

Ronna said...


Laura said...

Precious kitties!

Jill said...

I can totally relate to feeling distracted lately! Hopefully we'll both get back in the groove soon. The kitties are so sweet!