Some of you will remember Punkamunk (aka Punks, the Munks, Punky Monkey). We trapped her in June after two years of trying. She is now safe and sound and very happy in my art room. Unfortunately, we recently got confirmation that her mammary tumors are cancerous. This makes me very sad, but I am trying to focus on the fact that she won't suffer alone outside and she won't be having any more litters of kittens to take care of. On top of the cancer, she also has an enlarged heart which is causing fluid on her lungs. I noticed that her breathing was heavy and took her back to the vet this week. An x-ray revealed her heart issues. So, she is now meds to get rid of the fluid. She is still in good spirits and continues to be incredibly loving and affectionate. I spend all day with her and enjoy every minute of her company. I can't imagine how anyone could have abandoned such a sweetheart, but it seems to happen all too often.
I also have a new foster kitty named Nadia. I will share her "tail" in a few days...another upsetting story but her luck is turning around.
Punky helping me reorganize my shipping materials. She made it much more fun :)!

In one of her favorite spots....

Enjoying chin scracthes....
It breaks my heart that some people view animals as disposable. It warms my heart that you are so caring and do so much for these poor kitties. Bess you.
GOD BLESS YOU for taking care of this beautiful cat and letting her feel love for the rest of her days here.
Aww..what a sweetheart. Whatever time she has left will be spent well loved by you!
She is beautiful and her spirit will live on-for a feral cat to be so sweet is truly divine!
suzanne U.
You are so awesome. Your generosity towards animals and all things furry should serve as an inspiration for others. They say you can judge someones heart by how they treat critters - yours is obviously HUGE!!! Love ya Carrie! Jeannine
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