Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jack Sprat...another heartwarming update!

I am such a sap! Every time i get updates from people who have adopted my rescue cats and kittens, I end up in tears! I just can't help it. I can't explain how happy it makes me to see them safe and sound and well cared for. It makes the pain of letting go and the anguish i feel when i find them on the street all worth it. I NEED these positive updates in order to keep going and renew my faith in humans.

Here is Jack Sprat in his new tie! What a handsome boy!! He is getting along beautifully with his kitty roomie, Nelly, and they may have a small furry friend joining them soon. Love you, Jack :)!!


Hope said...

gosh, what a cute baby!

The Creek Cats said...

Love it! Those are the kind of updates I love! He looks very happy in his new home!

Anonymous said...

Wot a hansome boy. And he's clearly got himself an impawtant office job, wearing that tie. That's a real rags to riches story!

Milo and Alfie xx

Anonymous said...

Mom said to tell yoo that SnipPet Henry arrived safely today and he is adorable! Thank yoo! She will treasure him.

Milo and Alfie xx